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Lon Prater


Among many other things, Lon Prater is the lucky father of two great girls, the even luckier husband of a truly amazing woman, a service member, stunt kite flyer, youth soccer coach, former editor of Neverary, and a writer of strange little tales.



  (R) = reprinted. (f) = flash. @ = archived online
Short & Flash Fiction 11/05 -A Little Homegrown Hollywood Magic - Shadow Box
10/05 - Seeing the Illimitable (f) - AlienSkin
9/05 - Relics - Travel a Time Historic
8/05 - Deadglass - Writers of the Future XXI
5/05 - A Whiff of Guilt (R) - Best of SDO
4/05 - Buttercup and Sunshine - Beyond Centauri #8
@ 2/05 - A Girl's Best Friend (f) - Chick Flicks
1/05 - Putting the Business First (f) - SDO Detective
1/05 - Friday Nights (f) - Goblin Reader
@ 12/04 - With Eyes of Wonder - Kenoma
12/04 - They Came From Albaquerque (f) - Alien Skin
@ 12/04 - Feeding the Hungry (f) - Camp Horror
11/04 - Breath of Fresh Air (f) - Nocturnal Ooze
11/04 - Eight Years After (f) - Sea Oats Review, Vol. 2
@ 10/04 - Another Amelia, Also Lost - EOTU Ezine
@ 10/04 - A Talent for Misery (f) - Chick Flicks
7/04 - The Problem with Having a Perfect Cast (f) - Flashshot
6/04 - Kids Cost More - SDO Detective
12/03 - The Staring Machine - Alien Skin
11/03 - Head Music - Borderlands 5 Stoker winning Anthology
YBFH #18 - Honorable Mention
Released - MMPB as From the Borderlands
6/03 - A Whiff of Guilt - SDO Detective
3/03 - Midnight in New Promise - Scrybe Press


@ 12/05 -Ebenezer Scrooge on Gifts for Writers - T-Zero
@ 10/05 -The Stowaway in Your Story (How to Make a Lazy Setting Earn its Keep) - T-Zero
@ 8/05 - 5 Most Costly Mistakes You Can Make--Before You Even Begin to Write - T-Zero
@ 7/05 -Spookproofing your Query Letter - T-Zero
@ 5/05 - Review of The Runes of the Earth by Stephen R. Donaldson - Associated Content
@ 4/05 - Miniskirts and Higher Math: Chapter Lengths Revisited - T-Zero
@ 1/05 - Panned Helsing: Bad Reviews That Can Save Your Fiction - T-Zero
@ 5/04 - What's Not Good for You May be Great for Your Writing(R) - Absolute Write
7/03 - What's Not Good for You May be Great for Your Writing - Emporium Gazette


10/05 - If You Love a Virus, Set it Free - Illumen #3
9/05 - God Explains Her Wayward Child - Ideomancer
@ 9/05 - Events Like This - Flashquake
8/05 - River Trip - SCIFAIKUEST #9
@ 7/05 - Hot Air and Hooks - ChiZine #25
5/05 - Seekers in Dark Places - Dreams & Nightmares #71
@ Winter '05 - This Is Just To Say - Astropoetica
11/04 - Joe's Bar, New England, Late - SCIFAIKUEST (online edition)
11/04 - The Spark (poem) - Sea Oats Review, Vol. 2
4/04 - Absolution - Rogue Worlds #10
2/04 - 'The Skinner' Courts His Prey – Decompositions