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Classics Book
Classics Book
In its classic sense, "classics", when used as a singular noun, means the study of the language, literature, history, art, and other aspects of ancient Greece and Rome, during the time frame of classical antiquity. As a plural noun "classics" are books written in ancient Greece and Rome. The study of classics is a primary subject for the humanities, and the people reading classics are sometimes called humanists.
The list of books
- Acharnians by Aristophanes
- Agesilaus by Xenophon
- Alcibiades I by Plato
- Anabasis by Xenophon
- Apology by Plato
- Apology by Xenophon
- Birds by Aristophanes
- Categories by Aristotle
- Cavalry General by Xenophon
- Charmides by Plato
- Clouds by Aristophanes
- Critias by Plato
- Crito by Plato
- Euthydemus by Plato
- Euthyphro by Plato
- Ion by Plato
- Laches by Plato
- Lesser Hippias by Plato
- Lysis by Plato
- Memorabilia by Xenophon
- Menexenus by Plato
- Meno by Plato
- On Horsemanship by Xenophon
- Peace by Aristophanes
- Phaedo by Plato
- Poetics by Aristotle
- Republic by Plato