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The Dreamers is the title of a fantasy series by David Eddings.
Volumes include:
The Elder Gods (2003)
The Treasured One (2004)
The Crystal Gorge (2005)
The series is rumored to eventually include four titles.
The Elder Gods
The first volume of the series, The Elder Gods, revolves around the
invasion of the unsuspecting West by the hordes of the Vlagh inhabiting
the desert centre of the continent . The Elder Gods search for help
to fight the Vlagh in distant continents, and succeed in securing
the help of the Maag (viking-like pirate culture) and the Trogites
(Roman-esque culture).
The Vlagh is a creature whose more remarkable power is the ability to conciously direct the evolution of its minions, adapting them to the situation as required (the evolution is not instantaneous, but it takes months or even just days, as it is seen in the second book, The Treasured One. Most of Vlagh's creations are vaguely insect-like, venomous and violent, although some creatures have been bred human-like enough to pass as humans (and are used as spies)
As events in the later books progress, the Vlagh's children (creations) become more sophisticated and progress towards independent thought (a la "Hugh" of Borg fame in Star Trek, but much more slowly). The four elements: fire, earth, air and water get added significance as the series proceeds.