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Frequently Asked Questions
- What is book?
A book is a set or collection of written, exemplified, printed, or blank sheets that made of paper, parchment, or other material, generally fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is known as a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book formed in electronic format is known as an e-book.
- What is the Etymology of book?
The word book comes from the old English "b?c" which again comes from Germanic root "*b?k-", associated to beech. Likewise, in Slavic languages (e.g. Russian and Bulgarian "?????" (bukva)-"letter") is associated to "beech". It is therefore conjectured that the earliest Indo-European writings may have been carved on beech wood.
Blook, a recent neologism, is also an object manufactured to say a bound book, for example an on-line book published through a blog, or a printed book that has or is based on content from a blog.
- What is a book cover?
A book cover is a protective covering used to join together the pages of a book. Beyond the common distinction involving hard covers and paperbacks, there are more alternatives and additions, like ring-binding, dust jackets, and out-dated forms such as the nineteenth-century "paper-boards" and the even more antiquated hand-binding.
- What is endpaper of a book?
The endpapers of a book are the leaves of paper before the title page and thus following the text. One part is pasted to the inside of the cover. They hold the text and cover together. It is as well called as an end leaf or an end sheet. The free half of the last part of the paper is called a flyleaf. Booksellers sometimes indicate the front end paper as FEP.
- How Book design should be?
Book design is the art of including the content, design, style, format, and order of the different components of a book into a coherent whole.
- What are the things involved in Front matter of a book?
Front matter of the book contains these following things?
* Frontispiece
* Title page
* Copyright page: Typically verso of title page: shows copyright owner/date, credits, edition/printing, cataloguing details
* Table of contents
* List of figures
* List of tables
* Dedication
* Acknowledgments
* Foreword
* Preface
* Introduction
- What are the things involved in Back matter of a book?
The Back matter of a book contain these following things ...
* Appendix
* Glossary
* Index
* Notes
* Bibliography
* Colophon
- How the modern size of the book must be?
The size of a contemporary book is based on the printing area of a general flatbed press. The pages of type were set and clamped in a frame, in order that when printed on a sheet of paper the complete size of the press, the pages would be right side up and in order when the sheet was folded, and the folded edges trimmed.
- How the common book sizes of the book must be?
The Book sizes are...
* Quarto (4to): The sheet of paper is folded twice; forming four leaves (eight pages) just about 11-13 inches (ca 30 cm) tall.
* Octavo (8vo): The most ordinary size for current hardcover books. The sheet is folded three times into eight leaves (16 pages) up to 9 ?" (ca 23 cm) tall.
* DuoDecimo (12mo): A size between 8vo and 16mo, up to 7 ?" (ca 18 cm) tall
* Sextodecimo (16mo): The sheet is folded four times, forming sixteen leaves (32 pages) up to 6 ?" (ca 15 cm) tall.
- How much tall will smaller than 16mo of a book will be?
Small books can be called booklets.
* 24mo: up to 5 ?" (ca 13 cm) tall.
* 32mo: up to 5" (ca 12 cm) tall.
* 48mo: up to 4" (ca 10 cm) tall.
* 64mo: up to 3" (ca 8 cm) tall.
- How will the Sizes larger than quarto will be?
* Folio: up to 15" (ca 38 cm) tall.
* Elephant Folio: up to 23" (ca 58 cm) tall.
* Atlas Folio: up to 25" (ca 63 cm) tall.
* Double Elephant Folio: up to 50" (ca 127 cm) tall.
- What is novel?
The novel is the most ordinary form of fictional book. Novels are stories that characteristic feature a plot, setting, themes and characters. Stories and narrative are not restricted to any topic; a novel can be whimsical, serious or controversial. The novel has had a marvelous impact on entertainment and publishing markets.
- What is a reference book?
In a library, a common type of non-fiction book which provides information as opposite to telling a story, essay, commentary, or else supporting a point of view, is over and over again referred to as a reference book.
- What is called logbooks?
Books for recording cyclic entries by the user, like daily information about a journey, are called logbooks or simply logs. A related book for writing daily the owner's private personal events, information, and ideas is called a diary or personal journal.
- What is called bookkeeping?
Businesses make use of accounting books like journals and ledgers to record financial data in a carry out called bookkeeping.
- What is called bookbinding?
The method of physically assembling a book from many folded or unfolded sheets of paper is bookbinding.
- What are the common structural parts of a book?
The common structural parts of a book will be follows...
* Front cover: hardbound or softcover (paperback); the spine is the binding that joins the front and rear covers where the pages hinge
* Front endpaper
* Flyleaf
* Front matter
* Frontispiece
* Title page
* Copyright page: typically verso of title page:
shows copyright owner/date, credits, edition/printing, cataloguing
* Table of contents
* List of figures
* List of tables
* Dedication
* Acknowledgments
* Foreword
* Preface
* Introduction
* Body: the text or contents, the pages often collected or folded into signatures; the pages are usually numbered sequentially, and often divided into chapters.
* Back matter
* Appendix
* Glossary
* Index
* Notes
* Bibliography
* Colophon
* Flyleaf
* Rear endpaper
* Rear cover
- What is called an Encyclopedia?
A book or set of books of informative articles usually arranged in alphabetical order.
- What is called Bookmark?
A method of keeping a mark or a note in a particular page of a book which helps the person to see or read the succeeding pages of the book.
- What is called an Abstract?
A summary of the essential points of an article or literary work.