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Mightily Oats
Mightily Oats
Mightily Oats is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel Carpe Jugulum.
More properly called The Quite Reverend Mightily-Praiseworthy-Are-Ye-Who-Exalteth-Om Oats (it is shorter in Omnian), he is a priest of the Omnian faith who performs the naming of Esmeralda Margaret Note Spelling, Princess of Lancre. It's his nerves that cause him to mistakenly speak the final two words of her name out loud, although this is not (apparently) the first time this has happened at a royal naming (Nanny Ogg cites a past ruler of Lancre, King Ye-Gods-He's-Heavy the 1st). He is also, quite literally, in two minds about everything, much like Agnes Nitt, since he combines a strict religious upbringing with a logical mind that tends to think too hard about such things.
At the start of the book he appears to be very much the stereotypical Anglican priest, constantly ensuring both sides of the argument are heard, and being painfully tolerant of others' views. After spending a long journey with Granny Weatherwax however, he changes quite a lot, and regains his religeous fire. His current location is unknown, but presumably somewere in Uberwald. While he is considered a minor character, it is almost certain that Granny would have died without his assistance, even if no one will admit it. Due to him hearing her talking with Death and with herself while fighting off the Vampyre bite, and also through his direct conversations with her, he may well understand Granny better than anyone else