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Peoples of Middle-earth
Peoples of Middle-earth
The Peoples of Middle-earth is the 12th and final volume of The History of Middle-earth, edited by Christopher Tolkien from the unpublished manuscripts of his father J. R. R. Tolkien. Some characters (including Anairë, the wife of Fingolfin) only appear here.
The development of the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings as well as the development of the Akallabeth.
Some essays on various races of Middle-earth.
The New Shadow - An incomplete sequel (approximately 30 pages) to The Lord of the Rings that Tolkien quickly abandoned, set in the time of Eldarion, Aragorn's son.
Tal-Elmar - An incomplete story of Númenórean colonization of Middle-earth told from the point of view of the Wild Men.
A few snippets that didn't fit anywhere else.